Attention Patriots:

Ready to go off the grid with your finances?

There’s a brand new way anyone can use to access 5-12% interest on investments, guaranteed! Break free from the ‘big banks’ and build wealth with minimal investment and ZERO risk.

It’s so easy, I taught my 16-year-old daughter how to do it!

There’s a brand new way anyone can use to access 5-12% interest on investments, guaranteed! Break free from the ‘big banks’ and build wealth with minimal investment and ZERO risk.

It’s so easy, I taught my 16-year-old daughter how to do it!

Learn more about how to build wealth without big banks and corporate trading…

When you purchase the No BS Crypto Blueprint, you will be given a step-by-step guide to creating a 5-12% return on your investments month after month...


For newbies and seasoned Bitcoin buyers, sellers, and traders alike, my program guides you through every single step you need to set up your crypto-currency hedge-fund and get it running on autopilot.

By the time we're done, you're going to be saying "that's it?" because it really is that simple. Anyone can do this, and I mean ANYONE! You will finally have an exact roadmap for financial freedom, away from big banks and with the availability to withdraw your funds at any time.

Plus, you’ll get access to my exclusive Facebook Group, where dozens of people are celebrating their wins, finding new ways to invest, and building their wealth so they can go off the grid with their finances.

And get this...

The no-BS crypto blueprint is 40% off for a limited time only!


Here’s What You'll Learn In The No BS Crypto Blueprint:

Phase 1: The basics

We have built all of the tools you need to learn how to buy, sell and transfer Bitcoin with training videos for each step of the process.

Phase 2: The Backbone

We will teach you how to use the compound interest calculator to establish goals for financial freedom away from the Big Banks, then we will set up your first decentralized hedge fund. You will become the bank!

Phase 3: Advanced

We will talk about the difference between low, medium and high-risk crypto investment strategies; our goal is to help you establish multiple passive streams of income.

And the best part?

If you don’t get at least 5% increase on your investments within the 30 days, I’ll refund the amount of your No BS Crypto Blueprint, no questions asked.

Legal financial disclaimer:

Past results do not guarantee future results. When you are investing you should always invest within your means. As part of this course we will learn about low, medium and high-risk investing, but investing in anything always comes with a certain amount of risk. It can be wise to seek the counsel of a licensed financial specialist before making any investments. Always invest what you can afford to lose.